New Principal Announcement

Tuesday, 23 July 2024

Dear Sholem Families and Community,

After a thorough and robust recruitment and selection process, today the Council of Sholem Aleichem College is excited to announce the appointment of our new Principal.

The Council engaged Marlow Recruiting to conduct an intensive principal search that sought out the best educational leaders from across Australia. A selection panel of educational experts conducted multiple interview rounds with six well-qualified candidates. The panel included current Council members Libby Buckingham, (former senior adviser to the Victorian Minister for Education), and Michele Bernshaw (former principal of KDS) as well as Greg Schneider (long-term principal and chair of the Board for Lutheran Education Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania).

The selection panel concluded that the best candidate for the role of new Principal of Sholem Aleichem College is Ms Reyzl Zylberman.

Reyzl impressed the selection panel and the Council with her highly developed, insightful, and exciting vision for the College; a vision under which we believe the College and our children will flourish. Ultimately, it was Reyzl’s love of Jewish life, her demonstrated expertise, experience, dedication, and innovative new ideas for the future that gave the Council utmost confidence she is the outstanding choice to steer the College to continued success.

In addition to her teaching expertise, Reyzl has completed a Master of Education in Policy & Leadership, with a focus on school administration and business processes. She has proven herself a strategic leader with the energy and focus to successfully strengthen relationships with government and community stakeholders.

In her role as Director of Jewish Studies and LOTE, Reyzl has shown exceptional organisational and communication skills. She has a sophisticated appreciation of childhood development from the early years and into early adolescence, and she specialises in Yiddish, Hebrew, and Jewish Studies. Indeed, she is in demand as a Yiddish teacher with academic institutions around the world.

Reyzl has also demonstrated outstanding community leadership qualities and was named AFL Victoria Community Ambassador of the Year in 2017.

Reyzl will commence her role as the College Principal from the end of Term 3.

The Council invites all parents to meet Reyzl on the evening of Thursday 8 August 2024 when she will address the College community, sharing her vision and practical action plan. We will send details for this event shortly. The Council urges each of you to come on this journey with us.

At this important moment, the College Council pays tribute to our outgoing Principal, Ms Helen Greenberg. For 18 years, Helen led the College with exceptional dedication and hard work, setting new standards of excellence both for the students and the staff. Later this year we will celebrate Helen’s immense contribution to the College.

Reyzl, along with our remarkable College staff, will build and innovate on the legacy left by Helen and those who came before her.

We know that you will join us in welcoming Reyzl and that you and your children will participate with her in a bright future for Sholem Aleichem College.

Mit shul grusn,

Saul Milner

Sholem Aleichem College

Make mine a mentsh

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