Parents Association
Welcome to the Sholem Aleichem College Parent's Association (SACPA).
Parents of the school are automatically members of SACPA, and we encourage everyone to be active in the life of our College/Early Learning Centre. The Committee meets on a termly basis to discuss upcoming events and the ongoing services we provide for all our children. You are welcome to come to one or all of the meetings to ask questions, voice an opinion or make a suggestion. Everyone is welcome!
SACPA has two main functions. We run fundraising activities and major events for the College and the wider community. We aim to coordinate one big event each year as well as a number of smaller ones. These have included the College Carnival, Trivia Night and stalls for Mother's, Father's and Special Friends' Day, to name a few. We also provide services to the College community including second-hand uniforms, hotdogs and sushi, and social events like the Welcome Picnic. We work hand-in-hand with the staff and Principal to ensure that all monies raised directly benefit the students of the College.
Examples of what our efforts have provided include: iPads, interactive whiteboards and TVs, puzzles and toys, Hebrew books, air conditioning, native gardens, readers and classroom resources, sports equipment, outdoor musical instruments, an outdoor chess set, and so much more. We are very proud of all we achieve.
Who are we?
President: Daniella Zamsky
Vice President: Romy Preiss
Secretary: Jenny Boymal
Treasurer: Richard Gould
SACPA also comprises of lots of other fantastic volunteers who help to run events, have a say at meetings, help out where they can or just come along to support our events!
When we meet
SACPA meets on a termly basis, at 7:30pm in the school staff room. Please join us. We’re friendly, it’s a great way to meet other parents, it’s social, fun and there’s chocolate always!
How to get involved
You don’t need to be on the Committee or even come to the meetings - you can offer an hour here or there when you can. We often call for volunteers for services and events; helpers to prepare hotdogs and sushi, look after a stall, set up a function etc. Parents, grandparents, nannies are all invited to do what they can, when available. The kids all love to see you helping out at school.
SACPA communicates through the signal app via parent reps. Otherwise, you can also join our Facebook page, email us or grab us in the playground (we seem to spend a lot of time there)!