Support Us

By supporting Sholem, you help to provide students with innovative programming and hands-on learning opportunities that enhance both their education and character development.

Giving to Sholem will help ensure that our students not only receive a challenging and rigorous academic education, but also discover their values as Jews and as citizens of the world. A gift to Sholem is an investment in the future. Every gift makes a difference for our students and every gift is appreciated. Thank you for your interest in joining our community of supporters. If you would like to make a donation to the College, please contact Tina Miu via

Annual Appeal

Sholem Aleichem College relies on its Annual Appeal Campaign to meet budgetary demands that tuition does not cover. It takes the collective effort of parents, grandparents, community members, alumni and their families to ensure that our College continues to deliver its rigorous quality education.

To support us please donate below.


Sholem Aleichem College is dedicated to making our quality educational experience accessible to all families seeking a Jewish education. Your gifts ensure that our College will remain financially strong, endowed with the financial resources to be on the cutting edge of progressive education and academic excellence.

In Honour of 

Making a donation is a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone special. Your gift honours their influence and legacy in your life while supporting current and future students at Sholem Aleichem College. Some people choose to establish a named scholarship in memory of a person they wish to recognise. Others contribute to the College’s buildings and grounds. We welcome an opportunity to speak with you about how you can best create a lasting tribute, a way of ensuring that this person’s life will be celebrated for years to come.

Support our Building Fund

The Building Fund supports new infrastructure projects, as well as the maintenance and refurbishment of existing learning spaces at the College.

Simkhe and Special Projects 

We are so grateful to the families who share their celebrations by requesting donations towards College support from family and friends.

Scholarship Fund 

Donations to the Scholarship Fund support the provision of fee relief and bursaries to enable more students to benefit from an excellent, well-rounded, Jewish education.

Plan your Will

Including Sholem Aleichem College in your will ensures your donation will support the College into the future, without affecting your financial circumstances today. And, if you let us know of this inclusion, you will enjoy the benefit of knowing of how your gift will make an impact.

Donate to the Sholem Aleichem College Jewish School Fund

Make mine a mentsh

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